As mentioned in part one, I have a strange tale (tail) to tell. Last Friday (has it already been a week!) Marty (my husband) woke me up at 6:10 AM to tell me many a tale of woe. First of all I was sleeping, 2, it was officially the last day of our summer (which SUCKED I might add) and I had a terrible hangover headache (sorry moms). He said "I have to tell you something gross". I said "UH-OH" what is it he said "When I went out to get the newspaper this morning I found something scary by our front door", "Scorpion?", I said, "No, an animal, actually half an animal." Having been in REM stage sleep 5 seconds before this conversation, I said "HUH", he said "You know how we have been seeing rabbits in the park, well this morning by our front door someone left half a rabbit by the bench. Oh and by the way Tivo died..." Can you believe he buried the lead!!!! You see in the news the previous week was a story about a Chihuahua in someones backyard that was "cut" IN HALF and they suspect it was a hate crime. So of course my husband being Jewish from Brooklyn and all, decided this was a hate crime especially since the other half of the rabbit (the one with the feet...the lucky half...) was left on the doorstep of our next door neighbor, who is African American. He decided to call the police just in case someone witnessed him disposing of our rabbit half because he didn't want anyone to think he had anything to do with the "other half" of that rabbit and where it ended up. I could just see Al Sharpton staging protests outside my house! Anyway when the police got here they were all "Have you ever heard of Coyotes?", "this looks like an animal did this". Which was comforting to my paranoid husband, but not to me. I am Italian by descent and anytime you find the head of an animal, even if it's not a horse in your bed, it rattles you. And the actual thought of the food chain going on outside my front door is way too rural for me. I mean in New York the closest we got to wild animals were raccoons raiding our garbage cans or a skunk stinking up the neighborhood. Wait, there's more, after the police were done investigating our story, they spotted a little girl about 3 years old in PJs in the park across the street from our house wandering alone. Several minutes later we saw the officers at a house further down our block returning the child and speaking to the groggy, embarrassed parents, so all was well. Marty then decided to leave for work, at which point I asked "what am I supposed to do without Tivo on the last day of summer?" He said "what do you want me to do, call in sick?", I said calmly, "why not?", He replied "Because Tivo died?", I with a perfectly straight answer said, "Don't you have some bereavement days coming to you, I think now is the time to use them". Needless to say he went to work leaving me with bunny blood on my stoop no Tivo and two bored children until 9:30pm that evening...He's a real prince huh?
PS Marty has photos but they are rated R, TV-MA so I did not post them. I actually didn't even look at them and deleted them from my camera...
PS Marty has photos but they are rated R, TV-MA so I did not post them. I actually didn't even look at them and deleted them from my camera...