Hi, my name is Liz, and I'm a Faceaholic. Apparently Facebook is the crystal meth of the internet. You become completely addicted from the first time you log on. You continue to log on several times a day every day there afterwards, until you realize you have a problem (ie, you've run out of clean dishes, clothes and milk). I should know, I'm totally hooked. I have logged more hours Facehopping (going from one profile to another) lately than watching TV (perish the thought). This is why I have been neglecting my blog. Well, that and the fact that absolutely NOTHING has happened worth writing about in the past week. At least not to me personally, let's not panic, I'm aware of the new President Elect (yea!) and the historic event we are all witnessing. I am just saying that my life has been pretty much SSDD, and since the election is over TV bites. SOOOO, I tried Facebook, and not to be trite but, my life has not been the same since. I have connected with friends and cousins and neighbors that I haven't heard from or seen in years, and it's awesome!! You should try it, that is if you are like me and can devote the time it will suck out of your life. You see, I am really into avoiding reality (not reality tv shows, though) lately (dad's chemo, money stuff, kids fighting, etc.) so this foray into my past life is just what I needed.You can casually drop in when you feel like it see what people are saying and log off. It's kind of like a new form of Alice Kravitz (Bewitched). You get to see who your friends friends are and what groups they belong to and who's Facebooking your 12 year old daughter. I's a whole new Big Brother. Speaking of brothers, I told my brother to join Facebook and within two hours of joining his number of friends surpassed mine. So if you read this and you have Facebook add me as your friend...I have self-esteem issues...
Ok, so I have the facebook thing and check it but I don't love it like you do. I think it is because I like to write too much about myself and the facebook doesn't give me enough to stroke my ego! :>
I'm still trying to figure out twitter. My kids have been on FB forever so I guess I think it is more for them than me. Get back to blogging!
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